Alert Routing
Configuration Steps
2. Adjust Order: When there are two or more routing rules, you can adjust their execution order using up and down arrows.
3. Routing Rules: Supports multiple conditions and rules with logical operations (including match or non-match operations). Various matching modes are available, such as exact match, wildcard, and regex. You can visit Configure Filter Conditions to learn how to set up conditions.
4. Flow Control: When there are multiple routing rules, you can choose to stop or continue matching subsequent rules. The default is continue matching, meaning lower routes remain effective. Selecting stop will prevent lower rules from taking effect.
5. Preview Rules: After configuration, you can review the rule expressions.
6. Insert Routes: With multiple routing rules, you can insert new routes before or after existing ones, eliminating the need to adjust order manually.
7. Default Route: Shared integrations require at least one routing rule to receive alerts. A default routing rule is provided to distribute alerts to corresponding channels when no rules are configured or matched.
8. Target Channels: You can select multiple channels to receive matched alerts.

Configuration Example
Distribute Same Business Group to One Channel
Rule: Match based on Labels.group_name tag.

Why aren't routing rules taking effect?
Please verify if the alerts match the rules and if the rules are configured correctly.
What happens when multiple identical routing rules deliver to the same channel?
An incident will be generated for each channel. It's recommended to select multiple channels within the same rule instead.
Why am I not receiving alerts after configuring routing rules?
Please verify if incoming alerts match your configured routing rules. It's recommended to set up a default fallback route to catch unmatched alerts.
When flow control is set to stop, will the default route still match?
Yes, the default route serves as a fallback and is not affected by flow control settings.
修改于 2024-12-11 02:39:01