Alert webhook
I. Event Types
Event Type | Description |
a_new | Integration pushes new event, triggering a new alert |
a_update | Integration pushes new event, merging into an existing alert and updating its information (severity, status, labels, description, etc.) |
a_merge | Merge alert into incident |
a_close | Manually close alert |
II. Push Description
Request Method
POST, Content-Type:"application/json"
Request Payload:
Field | Type | Required | Description |
event_time | int64 | Yes | Event occurrence time in millisecond timestamp |
event_type | string | Yes | Event type, see Event Types for enumerated values |
event_id | string | Yes | Event ID, same event may retry multiple times due to timeout etc., receivers need to deduplicate |
person | Person | No | Operator, only present for manual actions |
alert | Alert | Yes | Alert details |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
person_id | int64 | Yes | Person ID |
person_name | string | Yes | Person name |
string | Yes | Email address |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
alert_id | string | Yes | Alert ID |
data_source_id | int64 | Yes | Integration ID |
data_source_name | string | Yes | Integration name |
data_source_type | string | Yes | Integration type |
channel_id | int64 | Yes | Channel ID |
channel_name | string | Yes | Channel name |
title | string | Yes | Alert title |
title_rule | string | No | Title generation rule |
description | string | No | Alert description |
alert_key | string | Yes | Alert correlation basis |
alert_severity | string | Yes | Severity level, enum: Critical, Warning, Info |
alert_status | string | Yes | Alert status, enum: Critical, Warning, Info, Ok |
progress | string | Yes | Processing progress, enum: Triggered, Closed |
created_at | int64 | Yes | Creation time |
updated_at | int64 | Yes | Update time |
start_time | int64 | Yes | First trigger time (time of first event received by platform), Unix timestamp in seconds |
last_time | int64 | Yes | Latest event time (time of most recent event received by platform), Unix timestamp in seconds |
end_time | int64 | No | Alert recovery time (time when platform last received end-type event), Unix timestamp in seconds, defaults to 0 |
close_time | int64 | No | Closure time, different from end_time, this indicates progress closure, not actual alert recovery. Unix timestamp in seconds, defaults to 0 |
labels | map[string]string | No | Label key-value pairs, both Key and Value are strings |
event_cnt | int64 | No | Number of associated events |
incident | Incident | No | Associated incident |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
incident_id | string | Yes | Incident ID |
title | string | Yes | Incident title |
Request Example
修改于 2024-11-18 03:23:45