Single Sign-On
Configure SAML Protocol
Field | Description |
Protocol Type | Select SAML2.0 |
Metadata Document | XML document obtained from the identity provider |
Field Mapping | FlashDuty extracts user email, username, and phone information from the identity provider through mapped fields |
Login Domain | Essential identifier for authentication, globally unique |
Create Account on Login | Enabled by default, if disabled, members need to be invited before they can log in |
Flashcat Service Provider Information | Service Provider Metadata: Assertion Consumer Service URL: Assertion endpoint for single Sign-On with identity provider |
Configure OIDC Protocol
Field | Description |
Protocol Type | Select OIDC Protocol |
Issuer | Obtain Issuer from identity provider, case-sensitive URL without query parameters |
Client ID | Client ID obtained from identity provider |
Client Secret | Client secret obtained from identity provider |
Field Mapping | FlashDuty extracts user email, username, and phone information from the identity provider through mapped fields |
Login Domain | Essential identifier for authentication, globally unique |
Create Account on Login | Enabled by default, if disabled, members need to be invited before they can log in |
Flashcat Service Provider Information | Redirect URL: Callback address for identity provider to Flashduty Supported Signing Algorithms: RS256,RS384,RS512,ES256,ES384,ES512,PS256,PS384,PS512 (HS256 not supported) Request scope: openid, email, phone |
Configure CAS Protocol
Field | Description |
Protocol Type | Select CAS Protocol |
CAS Address | CAS service address from identity provider |
CAS Login Path | CAS login path |
Field Mapping | FlashDuty extracts user email, username, and phone information from the identity provider through mapped fields |
Login Domain | Essential identifier for authentication, globally unique |
Create Account on Login | Enabled by default, if disabled, members need to be invited before they can log in |
Flashcat Service Provider Information | Redirect URL: Callback address for identity provider to Flashduty |
Configure LDAP Protocol
private deployment version
Field | Description |
Protocol Type | Select LDAP Protocol |
LDAP URL | LDAP service address, e.g., ldap:// |
BIND DN | Username for LDAP connection, used for testing connection and searching users or groups. E.g., cn=admin,dc=flashduty,dc=com |
BIND DN Password | Password for LDAP connection, will be encrypted in database |
TLS | Skip Verify for TLS login |
StartTLS | Whether to enable StartTLS |
User DN | Defines the directory to start user search, e.g., ou=people,dc=flashduty,dc=com |
Authentication Filter | Combined with Bind DN and password for user lookup, used to retrieve user DN information for LDAP authentication. Supports custom filter expressions, basic format: (&(mail=%s)). Note: Starting and ending parentheses are required |
Field Mapping | FlashDuty extracts user email, username, and phone information from the identity provider through mapped fields. Email is a required mapping field |
Login Domain | Essential identifier for authentication, globally unique |
Create Account on Login | Enabled by default, if disabled, members need to be invited before they can log in |
Best Practices
Configure FlashDuty SSO through Keycloak Configuration.
Configure FlashDuty SSO through Ldap Configuration.
What is SSO?
Single Sign-On (SSO) is an enterprise system integration solution that unifies user authentication, allowing users to access all trusted enterprise applications with a single login.
What are SAML2.0 protocol features?
SAML 2.0 protocol is XML-based, implementing cross-domain single Sign-On and authentication through secure, standardized assertions, supporting multiple data exchange bindings for interoperability and flexibility.
What are OIDC protocol features?
OIDC protocol, based on OAuth 2.0, provides standardized, secure authentication flows using JSON Web Tokens for user information transfer, enabling cross-platform single Sign-On and identity management.
What are CAS protocol features?
CAS protocol is a web application single Sign-On protocol that enables users to authenticate once across multiple services using Service Tickets and Authentication Tickets for service authentication.
What are LDAP protocol features?
LDAP protocol, derived from X.500 standard, organizes data in a tree structure for hierarchical management and quick retrieval, providing flexible query language (LDAP Search Filter) for complex data filtering and searching.
Can multiple protocols be used simultaneously?
Currently not supported, only one protocol can be selected
修改于 2024-11-25 02:56:20