When an incident is assigned to you, but you determine that you're not the appropriate responder or cannot handle the incident, you can choose to reassign it to other responders or schedules.Reassignment triggers new notifications. If you reassign an incident that is In Progress, the incident status may reset to Pending unless the new responders include the previous handler who has already acknowledged the incident.
Currently, reassignment targets can only be schedules or personal, which we call direct assignment. Unlike escalation rule-based assignment, directly assigned incidents can only be notified according to personal preferences and cannot be escalated.
Automatic Escalation: When an incident is automatically assigned to you according to an escalation rule (with multiple levels), and you haven't resolved it within the specified time window, haven't chosen to Snooze it, and the incident hasn't auto-resolved, it will automatically escalate to the next level at the specified time.
Manual Escalation: When an incident is automatically assigned to you according to an escalation rule (with multiple levels), but upon receiving the alert, you determine that you cannot handle it and need the next level (such as second-line technical support) to intervene earlier, you can choose to directly escalate the incident to another level.
The essence of escalation is reassignment. The main difference is that escalation follows the pre-configured responders and notification channels set in the escalation rule.
When an incident is assigned to you, but you need other personnel (who are not current responders) to participate in handling it, you can choose to add responders.Similar to reassignment, when adding responders, you can only select schedules or personal as assignment targets. The system will notify these personnel according to their personal preferences.
Why aren't notifications sent according to escalation rules when adding responders?Adding responders and reassignment default to personal notification preferences, which you can update in your personal settings page. In the future, we will support modifying notification methods during assignment.Why don't I see an escalation button in my incident details?The escalation button is only available when an incident is assigned according to an escalation rule. When you choose direct assignment (such as specifying an individual through reassignment), the incident is not associated with any escalation rule and cannot be escalated through rules.