Notification Bots
Notification Channels
- Phone and Email
Type | Alibaba Cloud | Tencent Cloud | Notes |
SMS | ✔ | ✔ | |
Voice | ✔ | ✔ | |
✔ | - |
- For voice/SMS/email notifications, members need to bind their phone numbers and email addresses, and the notification channel must be configured with the corresponding notification method
- Voice notifications support interactive acknowledgment - press 1 after the alert message is played to acknowledge the incident
- Instant Messaging
Type | IM App | Group Bot | Notes |
Feishu/Lark | ✔ | ✔ | |
Dingtalk | ✔ | ✔ | |
WeCom | ✔ | ✔ | |
Slack Beta | ✔ | ✔ | |
Microsoft Teams | ✔ | - | |
Telegram | - | ✔ | |
Zoom | - | ✔ |
Detailed instructions for app integration steps are provided when adding 'Instant Messaging' in Console->Integration Center->Instant Messaging. This article only covers the integration methods for group bots.
Differences between App Notifications and Bot Notifications
- Different integration methods
- Apps need to be created first by administrators or those with relevant permissions (platform permissions for WeCom, Feishu, etc.)
- Bots can be created directly in groups without prior creation in the application center, making integration simpler
- Different interaction methods
- App notification incident cards support direct in-app interactions like acknowledgment, snooze, close, etc.
- Bots require clicking links to handle incidents in browser and manual login with account credentials
Instant Messaging
- Search for "FlashDuty" app in Feishu Workplace and login to complete the association
- After successful association, you can add Feishu as a notification channel in Account Center. When matching escalation rules, the app will send notifications
- You can add the app to group chats (search FlashDuty), open Group Settings->Group Bots->Add Bot

For WeCom app integration, please refer to the operation guide in Integration Center - Instant Messaging - WeCom
- Create or enter an existing Dingtalk group
- Click More Cool Apps - Cool Apps Bar
- Select the custom app "FlashDuty" (or other name), click "Enable" button

Microsoft Teams
- Visit FlashDuty Integration Center - Instant Messaging - Microsoft Teams - Add
- Get the app package
- Go to Microsoft Teams, navigate to [+Apps] - [Manage your apps] - [Upload an app] - [Upload an app to your org's app catalog] and upload
- Go to Microsoft Teams Admin Center, find the FlashDuty app, and adjust app visibility to everyone (or your custom scope)
- Wait a few minutes, organization members can find this integration in [+Apps] - [Built for your org]
- Link Teams: Add FlashDuty app to target Team. View guide
- Copy the following command, @FlashDuty and send linkTeam xxx to the added Team
- Link User: Prerequisite is having added FlashDuty app. Copy the command linkUser xxx and send to chat
- In channel's escalation rules, select Microsoft Teams app for group chat notifications, select group chat; in private chat select Follow Unified Settings or Follow Personal Preferences (need to configure in Account Settings) and select Microsoft Teams. If Microsoft Teams app hasn't been added to Microsoft Teams, please contact technical support
Slack Beta
- Visit FlashDuty Integration Center - Instant Messaging - Slack - Add
- Page redirects to Slack interface, select Workspace in top right, then click Allow
- Enter data source name, click Save
- In channel's Escalation Rules, select Slack app for group chat notifications, select group chat. If desired group chat isn't shown, click refresh group chats. For private channels, login to Slack, select Integrations - Add Apps in private channel to add FlashDuty app then refresh group chats. If FlashDuty app hasn't been added to Slack, please contact technical support

- Create or enter existing Feishu group
- Open Group Settings - Group Bots - Add Bot
- Select "Custom Bot", click "Add" button
- Set bot name and description, click "Add" button
- Set custom keyword: "#" (if using custom template, ensure alert content includes corresponding keyword)
- Copy generated webhook URL to notification channel's group chat - Feishu bot

- Enter WeCom group
- Top right Group Settings - Add Group Bot - Create New Bot
- Set bot name, click "Add Bot"
- Copy generated webhook URL to notification channel's group chat - WeCom bot

- Create or enter existing Dingtalk group
- Open Group Settings - Group Management - Smart Group Assistant
- Click "Add Bot" button, select "Custom" type bot
- Click "Add" button, set bot name, add keyword: "#" (if using custom template, ensure alert content includes corresponding keyword), and "Agree" to terms
- Copy generated webhook URL to notification channel's group chat - Dingtalk bot

- Open BotFather, enter /newbot, enter bot name, record {Token}, format: 64533289xx:AAFxCAdxx_xssbnSxE6Y8mTcOBT5rxxxxx
- Top left Settings, New Channel to create Channel
- Click Channel, click Channel name in top left of chat box, Add Members - Bot Name
- Enter in browser:{Token}/getUpdates, note {Token} is variable from step 1 bot Token. Get ChatId, starts with -
- Create a Slack app, Choose a name, select a workspace to associate with your app, then click Create App
- Select Incoming Webhook. After app creation, you'll be redirected to new app's settings page (if using existing app, just load its settings through app management dashboard). Click Activate Incoming Webhooks switch to turn it on
- Click Add New Webhook to Workspace, select channel, click confirm. Now you should see Webhook URL under "Workspace Webhook URLs" section
- Go to Zoom app in APP
- Search Incoming Webhook, after finding app click Add
- Return to Chat interface, you should see Incoming Webhook app in applications
- Click enter Incoming Webhook app, input /inc connect flashduty command, app returns connection info
- Copy specified info from Endpoint, write to Webhook address or Token in notification channel's Zoom bot. Example: EndPoint:, write V9S5as-zTXOSUdgMITNEwA to Webhook address or Token
- Copy Verification Token info, write to Verify Token in notification channel's Zoom bot
- Click top right of Incoming Webhook, add members, add relevant personnel
Do I need to login every time when operating app card messages?
No, after associating member account with app account you can login without password. Association method: search FlashDuty app, click->login to associateCan't find FlashDuty app in Dingtalk/Feishu/WeCom Workplace
Click me修改于 2024-11-25 03:54:10