When Are Templates Used?
Golang template syntax
template/html to parse data, enabling you to accomplish any complex rendering requirements.What Variables Can I Reference?
Field | Type | Required | Description |
ID | string | Yes | Incident ID |
Title | string | Yes | Incident title |
Description | string | Yes | Incident description, can be empty |
DetailUrl | string | Yes | Incident detail page URL |
Num | string | Yes | Short incident identifier, for easy visual recognition, may be duplicate |
IncidentSeverity | string | Yes | Severity level, enum values: Critical, Warning, Info |
IncidentStatus | string | Yes | Incident status, enum values: Critical, Warning, Info, Ok |
Progress | string | Yes | Processing progress, enum values: Triggered, Processing, Closed |
StartTime | int64 | Yes | Trigger time, Unix timestamp in seconds |
LastTime | int64 | No | Latest event time, latest incorporated event time in associated alerts, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
EndTime | int64 | No | Recovery time, when all associated alerts recover, the incident will automatically recover and close. Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
SnoozedBefore | int64 | No | Snooze end time, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
AckTime | int64 | No | First acknowledgment time, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
CloseTime | int64 | No | Close time, end_time is incident recovery time, close_time is processing progress close time. Incident automatically closes upon recovery, manual closure doesn't affect recovery. Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
Creator | Person | No | Creator information, not present when automatically generated by system |
Closer | Person | No | Closer information, not present when incident recovers automatically |
AssignedTo | Assignment | No | Assignment configuration |
Responders | []Responder | No | Responder list, initialized based on assignment configuration, also includes records if non-assigned personnel acknowledge the incident |
ChannelID | int64 | No | Channel ID, value is 0 when manually creating global incident |
ChannelName | string | No | Channel name |
GroupMethod | string | No | Grouping method, enum values: n: no grouping, p: rule-based grouping, i: intelligent grouping |
Labels | map[string]string | No | Label key-value pairs, both Key and Value are strings. No information when manually created, contains first alert's label information when automatically created |
AlertCnt | int64 | Yes | Number of associated alerts |
Alerts | []Alert | No | Associated alert details, no information when manually created |
FireType | string | No | Notification type, enum values: fire: notify, refire: loop notification |
IsFlapping | bool | No | Whether in flapping state, i.e., frequent occurrence and recovery, related to convergence configuration |
Impact | string | No | Incident impact, filled after incident closure |
RootCause | string | No | Root cause, filled after incident closure |
Resolution | string | No | Resolution, filled after incident closure |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
person_id | int64 | Yes | Person ID |
person_name | string | Yes | Person name |
string | Yes | Email address |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
PersonIDs | []string | No | Person ID list, exists only when assigning by person |
EscalateRuleID | string | No | Escalation rule ID, exists only when assigning by rule |
EscalateRuleName | string | No | Escalation rule name |
LayerIdx | string | No | Assignment level, corresponds to escalation rule level index, starts from 0 |
Type | string | Yes | Assignment type, enum values: assign: assign, reassign: reassign, escalate: escalation assign, reopen: reopen assign |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
PersonID | int64 | Yes | Person ID |
PersonName | string | Yes | Person name |
string | Yes | Email address | |
AssignedAt | int64 | Yes | Assignment time, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
AcknowledgedAt | int64 | No | Acknowledgment time, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
Title | string | Yes | Alert title |
Description | string | Yes | Alert description, can be empty |
AlertSeverity | string | Yes | Severity level, enum values: Critical, Warning, Info |
AlertStatus | string | Yes | Alert status, enum values: Critical, Warning, Info, Ok |
Progress | string | Yes | Processing progress, enum values: Triggered, Processing, Closed |
StartTime | int64 | Yes | Trigger time, Unix timestamp in seconds |
EndTime | int64 | No | Recovery time, Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
CloseTime | int64 | No | Close time, EndTime is alert recovery time, CloseTime is processing progress close time. Alert automatically closes upon recovery, manual closure doesn't affect alert recovery. Unix timestamp in seconds, default 0 |
Labels | map[string]string | No | Label key-value pairs, both Key and Value are strings |
Common Questions
page, find an incident and view its details to see all label information2.
default template
used when I configured custom template rendering?resource
in incident titles?
convert time formats
# Supported functions
- Use `and` function for logical AND judgment
- Use `or` function for logical OR judgment
- Use `not` function for logical NOT judgment
- Use `eq` function for logical equal judgment
- Use `ne` function for logical not equal judgment
- Use `gt` function for logical greater than judgment
- Use `ge` function for logical greater than or equal judgment
- Use `lt` function for logical less than judgment
- Use `le` function for logical less than or equal judgment
# Example usage
# Use and function for logical AND judgment
{{if and (eq .Labels.resource "cpu") (eq .Labels.metric "cpu_usage")}}
{{.Labels.resource}} CPU usage exceeds 80%
# Use or function for logical OR judgment
{{if or (eq .Labels.resource "cpu") (eq .Labels.metric "cpu_usage")}}
{{.Labels.resource}} CPU usage exceeds 80%
# Use not function for logical NOT judgment
{{if not (eq .Labels.metric "cpu_usage")}}
{{.Labels.metric}} is not CPU usage
修改于 2025-03-14 09:06:30