Review similar historical incident resolutions to quickly handle new incidents.
When responding to incidents, having access to historical solutions for similar incidents can significantly speed up the resolution process. The Past Incidents feature provides responders with a list of resolved similar incidents. For responders unfamiliar with the issue, they can quickly review the timeline, root cause, and resolution of historical incidents, and replicate relevant actions. Past incidents provide the necessary context for problem-solving and help prevent panic when responders encounter unfamiliar issues.This feature is currently in beta and is only available in Professional and higher subscription plans. Please contact us if you need to activate this feature.
View Similar Incidents#
From the incident list or channel, locate an incident that needs attention;
Click the incident title to enter the incident details, then select the Past Incidents tab.
The system will show up to 5 similar historical incidents to avoid overwhelming you with too much information.Sorting Principles#
How do we sort the results?1.
The system only matches incidents with similarity above 90%;
The system prioritizes incidents with more detailed resolutions and root causes;
The system prioritizes incidents with higher similarity;
The system prioritizes more recent incidents.
It's good practice to document the resolution and root cause each time you resolve an incident, as this greatly improves the response speed for future responders.
How We Identify Similarities#
The system uses machine learning models to determine the similarity between incidents. When the similarity is above 90%, we consider two incidents to be similar.When determining similarity, we mainly consider these factors:3.
Affected services (usually extracted from service labels)
Alert objects involved (usually extracted from resource labels)
When searching for historical incidents, the system only matches resolved similar incidents within the current channel.FAQ#
How far back can I view historical incidents?
Currently, you can only view similar incidents from the 30 days prior to the current incident. As time passes, the system may delete historical data, in which case you may not be able to view past incidents.Regardless, for currently occurring incidents, you can access up to 30 days of historical data.Can I mark current incidents as not similar to historical ones?
No, the system currently doesn't have this marking feature. However, you can communicate and provide feedback through other channels.How can I improve the effectiveness of historical incidents?
We recommend completing the root cause and resolution fields for important incidents;
We recommend enriching incident labels, especially service and resource labels;
We recommend providing detailed alert titles and descriptions that accurately express the incident symptoms.