Schedule rules are one of the core management practices in enterprises, helping organizations effectively arrange employee work hours and ensure business continuity and efficiency. FlashDuty's schedule provides comprehensive on-call rules that enterprises can adjust and customize according to their specific business needs.
You can view a summary of all your schedules on the schedule management page.
Core members can view all schedules or only the schedules they manage.
Before setting up schedule rules, you need to create a schedule, which can be assigned to a team for maintenance and planning by team members.
When creating a schedule, you can flexibly configure notification methods for shift rotations:
Advance notification:Notify the next on-call person N minutes before shift handover.
Scheduled notification:Notify the next on-call person at a fixed time every day.
Notification channels: Direct message (one-on-one notifications via SMS, voice call, email, etc.), Group chat (push to IM group chat with @ mentions for responders).
Temporary schedule changes are mainly used for pre-planned schedules, such as when an on-call person needs a replacement due to unexpected circumstances or leave.
Before making schedule changes, thoroughly communicate the required on-call times with the replacement person. While shift rotations include notifications, immediate adjustments take effect instantly without system notifications.